Hedgehogs All You Need To Know

Thanks to Gráinne for contacting Hedgehog Watch Dublin and sharing the following :
Hedgehogs. All you need to know.
hedgehog (2)Name: Hedgehog.
Latin Name: Erinaceous Europaeus
The hedgehog is a nocturnal creature which means he only comes out at
night. If you see him during the day, it probably means he needs help. So
ring your local vet or contact us at the DSPCA on www.dspca.ie or 01-499
4700 and ask for advice.
The hedgehog is covered with a coat of extremely sharp spines and it can
roll into a ball in order to protect itself from predators; except dogs and
badgers. During the day time and during their period of hibernation, the
hedgehog will sleep in a specially built nest, normally located in thick
undergrowth, i.e. under a bed of leaves or in black plastic rubbish sacks
left lying on the ground.
The hedgehog usually eats all kinds of garden visitors, including beetles,
worms, slugs and snails. If he cannot find this type of food in the
countryside, he will move into gardens and eat garden pests. He can also
eat good quality tinned dog or cat food and will need plenty of water. Do
not give a hedgehog milk as it can upset their stomachs.
The hedgehog is not suitable as a family pet. He is a wild animal and will
never be suitable to settle in captivity. He is nocturnal and can be quite
smelly. He will happily visit your garden, allow you to see him – unlike
other wild animals – but do not encourage him to be a pet.
The baby hedgehog is called an ‘urchin.’ The male of the species takes no
part in rearing the babies. They are born to the female after a 35 day
pregnancy. The female usually gives birth to about 4 or 5 babies but has
been known to have 10. She makes a nest/nursery under a pile of leaves.
This is very often to be found in a shed or out building. When the urchins
are born their first spines are white and are covered by skin. Very soon
the spines will break through. At birth, their eyes and ears are closed but
will open at about 14 days; their teeth follow around 21 days after birth.
At 8 weeks, the baby urchins are ready to become independent. If an urchin
happens to fall outside the nest it will make a distress sound that
resembles a high pitched piping noise. It is of no use to the urchin if you
pop him back into the nest with other hedgehogs, he will simply be eaten.
Rearing them yourself by hand is very difficult and should only be
undertaken by a trained wildlife rescue officer.
Do not give the baby anything to drink and definitely do not give milk.
If you discover a nest of urchins, do not disturb it or them. Simply cover
it up and leave it alone. The mother will usually return very soon after
but will not return if human scent is on her babies.
Below are some more Do’s and Don’ts
· Do leave areas of wilderness where hedgehogs can snuffle for
· Do put out drinking water
· Do put out good quality dog or cat food (not fish based).
· Do install, in a nice, quiet area of the garden, a hedgehog house
or a stack of logs
· Don’t put out any bread or milk for a hedgehog
· Don’t pick up uninjured or fit and healthy hedgehogs
· Don’t leave black sacks or rubbish lying around
· Don’t use chemicals or slug pellets – they can poison hedgehogs
and other animals, if you must use them up them under a slate where animals
can’t reach them easily.
· Don’t light bonfires without checking to see if a hedgehog’s home
is underneath – also check for other wildlife who may have built their
homes under unlit bonfires.
· Don’t fork over compost heaps in case a hedgehog or another
animal has built their home there.
· Don’t use your strimmer under hedges and undergrowth without
checking these areas first, hedgehogs and other animals may be resting
there during the day.
· Do keep all nets above ground when not in use, keep fruit nets
· Don’t leave drains or similar open holes uncovered. Make sure
ponds have a way out for small animals, house brick steps or wire mesh can
be used to give the animals a chance to get out if they fall in.
· Don’t spray hedgehogs with flea spray. It can be harmful to them.
And another thing…
· Hedgehog fleas do not live on dogs, cats, humans or inside houses.
· If a hedgehog has ticks, they are not usually a problem unless
there are dozens of them which can then lead to anemia. (Ticks present
themselves as grayish, shiny lumps and are often found behind the ears).
· Hedgehogs will not hibernate outside of their nests.
· The hedgehog is not a rodent. Its nearest relative is the mole.

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